By request of many MHS Class of 1960 classmates;
This is your homepage.
Following will be a
collection of MHS Class of 1960 photos.
Pictures will be added as they are received.
I need group pictures for the 10th, and 35th reunions.
Suggestions, additions and comments should be addressed to;
A little hint to make your
viewing of the pages easier.
Useing your browser back or previous page button will
return you to
the same place in the Home Page you were before visiting that page.
Holding your Alt key down, while hitting
your left arrow key will accomplish the
same results.
Scroll down to see the pictures, the page is better viewed with screen maximized.
Lets start with the Washington Trip, click on the picture to see an enlargement
Next was the 5th reunion from 1965, click on the picture to see an enlargement
Next was the 15th reunion from 1975, click on the picture to see an enlargement
Next was the 20th reunion from 1980, click on the picture to see an enlargement
1st Row George Simmerman, Dave
Vanaman, Bob Siena, Marty Liss, Dory Saul, Mike Chiola, Doug Hand
2nd Row Donna Rumbold, Arleen
Gentilini, Lois Becker, Joann Parr, Katy McClain, Joice Kolibaba,
Kaye Pettit, Mildred Schoonover, Marie Archer, Carol Sutton, RoseMarie
3rd Row
Judy Commander, Gene Pligavko, Sandy Gibson, Carol Musto, Anne Kinnard,
Alice Kinnard, Donna Sears, Ceolia Lore,
Merlyn Bakely,
Gwen Muse, Kathy Hinckley, Pat Fox, Joan Garrison, Brenda
Baily, Pat McCadden, Ruth Anne Neal, Amelia Baily, Karen Rush
4th Row John Tozer, Art Goranson,
Lester Corson, Joe Eigenmann, Joe Treen, Wayne McFarland,
John Plummer, Joe Bybel, Wayne Sergiacomi, Bob Noble, Bill
Herman, Richard King
5th Row Tom Slater, George Martin,
Wil Costner, Lou Schwegal, O'Connell Brown, Russ Able, Jack
Durfee, Bill Hawn,
Greg Chiarello, John Tenbrook, Gary Sherman, Walt Robinson, Larry
Shuemate, Cliff Hickman, Paul Harris, Joe Parker
Next was the 25th reunion from 1985, click on the picture to see an enlargement
Next was the 30th reunion from 1990, click on the picture to see an enlargement
1st Row
John Barbose, Dory Saul, Dave Vanaman, Bob Siena, Mike Chiola, Pat
Reeves, Nancy Samano, Gwen Muse, Diane Hoffman,
Val Otroskin, Mike Palermo, Merlyn Bakely, Donna Sears, Barbara
Buczinski, Carol Sutton, Joyce Kolibaba, Ed Limbeck.
2nd Row Marty Liss, Joan Bailey,
Nancy Mccaw, Susan Walker, Amelia Baily, Joan Garrison, Charmaine King,
Pat Bowen,
Anna Mary Jerrell, Barbara Frankel, Lois Becker, Ruth Anne Neal, Arlene
Gentilini, Alice Kinnard, Carol Musto,
Delores Caldwell, Beatrice Whilden, Kathy Hinckley, Larry
Shuemate, Mildred Scoonover, Betty Bowker,
3rd Row
Judy Commander, Bob Noble, Dennis Cossaboon, Madeleine Garrison, Bonnie
Upham, Bill Hawn, Jim Martin, Marie Archer,
Fallows, Tom Slater, Eleanor Eigenmann, Joe Eigenmann, Dale Kessler,
Bob Branin, George Kracke, Stan Shewlakow,
Hinson, Gary Sherman, Bill Bell, Ralph Garten, Preston Hoffman, Jay
Goff, John Plummer, Charles Langsdorf, George Simmerman,
Frank Davidow, Joe Treen, Dan Whilden (Hidden Behind Larry Shuemate is
Dona Taylor)
4th Row George Martin, Greg
Chairello, Bill Herman, Wayne McFarland, John Tenbrook, Lew Ferguson,
Bill Jozefyk,
Parker, Art Goranson, Lou Schwegal, O'Connell Brown, Merrill Hogan,
John Tozer, Boris Schpakow, Cliff Hickman, Buddy Abel, Ceolia Lore
Next was the 45th reunion from 2005
Click the above picture to see an enlargement and photo's from the 45th reunion.
Next was the 50th reunion, August 21st, 2010
Third Row;
Paul Hinson ~ Dale Kessler ~ Richard Reeves ~ Joe Parker ~
Bill Herman ~ John TenBrook ~ Larry Shumate ~ David Thomson ~ Delores
Caldwell (James) ~ Alice Kinnard (Davidson) ~ Ceolia Lore (Carty) ~
Dave Vanaman ~ O’Connell Brown ~ George Simmerman ~ Neil
Schick ~ Charles Langsdorf ~ Jay Goff ~ John Plummer ~ John Tozer
~ Tom N. Slater ~ Dory Saul ~ Dan Whilden ~ Steven Kurtz ~ George
Kracke ~ Lou Schwegal ~ George Martin ~ Bob Noble
~ Bob
Siena ~ Joe Eigenmann ~ Wayne McFarland ~ Art Gorenson ~ Bill Bell
~ Bill Jozefyk ~ Stan Shewlakow ~ Bob Branin ~ James Martin ~ Lew
Second Row;
William M. Hawn ~ Eleanor Eigenmann ~ Gloria Dittmeier (Winfield) ~
Delores Delacour (Porch) ~ Nancy McCaw (Turner) ~ Sharon Fallows
~ Kay Pettit (Myers) ~ Sandy Bass ~ Arlene Gentilini ~
Judith Ann Commander ~ Diane Hoffman (Bacon) ~ Patricia Bowen
(Branin) ~ Pat Hart ~ Beverly Minkwitz ~ Emma Watson (Andrews) ~
Marlis A. Fisher ~ Joan Bailey ~ Yavonne (Bonnie) Upham (Mosley) ~
Joan Bailey (Esposito) ~ Preston C Hoffman ~ Gary Sherman ~ Carol Musto
(Tozer) ~ Carol Sutton (Slater) ~ Cliff Hickman
Bottom Row;
Judy Wyatt (Quinn) ~ Ruth Ann Neal (Becker) ~ Kathleen McClain (Kelley)
~ Charmaine King (Sutton) ~ Karen L. Rush (Johnson) ~ Donna Sears
(Moser) ~ Kathleen Hinckley (Parkin) ~ Betty Bowker (Walker)
~ Sandy Gibson (Hogan) ~ Lois Becker (McClure)
~ Joan Garrison (Sheppard) ~ Mary Dastolfo (Johnson) ~ Carol Jean
Blizzard (Roberson) ~ Valerie Otroshkin (Poestegord) ~ Joyce Kolibaba (Sergiacomi) ~ Penny Bruce ~ Jeanette
~ Susan
M. Walker (Jozefyk)
Click on the above picture to see
an enlargement and photo's from the 50th reunion
Click on this picture to see photos from your 35th reunion
Click on this picture to see the Bacculaureate Program
Click on The Flame to see your 1956 Bacon Jr High yearbook
Click on the Torch to see your 1960 yearbook
Click on the map to see the Old Bay Line Map
Click on the picture for a collection of Old Shots You'll Enjoy
Click on the picture to go to MHS 1960 grad Paul Breeden's web site
Click on the picture to see some candid 1960 shots from Paul Breeden
Click on the Torch to see the MHS Class of 1960 Yearbook Files
Click on the Mikes Picture to see Mikes Pre-50th Reunion Party Photo's
the Sandys Picture to see Sandys Picture
this Picture to see photos from the 1960 Chorus
Note: The Gone But Not
Forgotten section may now be found in the MHS Class of 1960 Yearbook
Files along with
all the mailing addresses and email's of the MHS Class of 1960 on file.
Click on this button to see the MHS Class of 1961
websites A Note from the Author.
Note: Please
email additions, photos and comments to: HGMooreJr@aol.com
I am sure a few of you are thinking,
Harry Moore didn't graduate in 1960.
I didn't, I graduated in 1961. I have
been a reunion committee member since 1966.
When we were putting our 40th reunion
together, I decided it was time for a website.
Thanks to classmates like Dale
Wettstein and everyone on the Class of 1961 committee,
I published the MHS Class of 1961 Homepage. It has
been growing ever since.
Over the years I have had several
requests to do the same for other MHS Classes.
Unfortunately time didn't allow this
to happen. As you may have guessed, it is time consuming.
I am retired and have just
enough time on my hands to answer the request of some friends from
the MHS Class of 1960.
I want to thank the reunion
committee and class members from MHS Class of 1960 for the help.
I hope you enjoy this site as much as
I enjoyed putting it together.