Here is a collection of old shots you'll enjoy

Senior Trip Pics From Lois Becker

SeniorTrip45.jpg - 59446 Bytes  SeniorTrip56.jpg - 70276 Bytes  SeniorTrip59.jpg - 50773 Bytes

Senior Trip Pics From Kathy Hinckley

SeniorTrip.01.jpg - 17786 Bytes  SeniorTrip.02.jpg - 15048 Bytes  SeniorTrip.04.jpg - 23444 BytesSeniorTrip.05.jpg - 21593 Bytes  SeniorTrip.06.jpg - 18932 Bytes  SeniorTrip.07.jpg - 24664 BytesSeniorTrip.08.jpg - 19760 Bytes  SeniorTrip.09.jpg - 15770 Bytes  SeniorTrip.10.jpg - 19960 Bytes

SeniorTrip.11.jpg - 19275 Bytes 

Proms and Dances From Lois Becker

  Prom42.jpg - 47826 Bytes  Prom41.jpg - 40189 Bytes  Prom43.jpg - 44010 Bytes

Prom44.jpg - 106427 Bytes  Prom47a.jpg - 45841 Bytes  Prom49.jpg - 52106 Bytes

Prom51.jpg - 40071 Bytes  Prom52.jpg - 33149 Bytes  Prom57b.jpg - 46467 Bytes

Prom58.jpg - 45884 Bytes

 Fun Shots

Oldies46.jpg - 133109 Bytes  Oldies47b.jpg - 51545 Bytes

Oldies50.jpg - 40763 Bytes  Oldies53.jpg - 41721 Bytes  Oldies55.jpg - 35289 Bytes   

Oldies54.jpg - 36583 Bytes  Oldies57a.jpg - 148947 Bytes

0064.jpg - 13751 Bytes  0065.jpg - 16157 Bytes

SpanishClub.1960.jpg - 628709 Bytes

Spanish Club 1960 (Above)

WesternSchool.jpg - 515001 Bytes

Western School 5th Grade (Above)

SensorSchool1952a.jpg - 105935 Bytes

BaconBoysBB1955a.jpg - 102305 Bytes

Bacon School Basket Ball 1955 (Above)

BaconBoysBB1955b.jpg - 99328 Bytes

Bacon School Basket Ball 1955 (Above)

BaconGirlsBB1956.jpg - 107018 Bytes

Bacon School Basket Ball 1956 (Above)

CubScoutsa.jpg - 94734 Bytes

1st row left: Tom Beakley, Paul Cottrell   2nd row left: Bill Bell, Dan Whilden (Above)

1956.57a.jpg - 66573 Bytes

1956-57 Bacon School Wrestling Team (Above)

fifthgradeRDWoodSchool.jpg - 167526 Bytes

The Above Photo Submitted By Bill Hawn

LittleLeaguefrmteamMillvilleNationalBank.jpg - 131170 Bytes

The Above Photo Submitted By Bill Hawn

1955BaconSchoolBasketball.jpg - 148432 Bytes

The Above Photo Submitted By Bill Hawn

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